
Pastor Michael Bagnall

Kelly Speiser, Principal-

"St. John's is such a special place! Our school community is truly a family. Each child is unique and each teacher has the talent to identify and strengthen the gifts our students possess."

Ms. Morgello-     UPK

Miss Karin-         UPK

Mrs. Sokol-         UPK

Miss Jenny-        UPK

"We have small classes, which gives the children the attention they need to succeed. The faculty, staff and families work together to create a safe, happy and healthy learning environment. St. John's is a great school!"

Mrs. Dacayanan-   Kindergarten

Ms. Morris-           1st Grade

Mrs. Aversano-      2nd Grade

"Our School is very unique because our students have a smaller learning environment. The students feel more connected to their peers."


Mrs. Demontreux- 3rd Grade


 " I feel very blessed to teach at St. Johns.  I am privileged to have the opportunity to teach children in a small group setting. A small classroom setting is very important when ensuring an environment conducive to learning at all levels. It is also a blessing to be able to openly share my Christain beliefs, as well as my love for our country with other faculty members and students.  We are very fortunate to work under a Principal that fosters our Patriotic and Christain views in a time where not many school administrators do. "

Mr. Dispenza-        4th Grade

"I am fortunate to work at St. John's because we are like one big happy family. All staff members are supportive of one another. We have small class sizes and achieve big results. Our goal is to prepare our students for the future by challenging them academically, instilling confidence and building integrity. Alumni return to thank us for helping them achieve scholarships for the top high schools and colleges."

Ms. Heffernan-     5th Grade

Ms. Pugliese-          6th Grade

Ms. Roschbach-      7th Grade

Ms. Pipitone-          8th Grade

Mrs. Allan- Religion

St. John’s Lutheran is a very special place.  This school not only gives each student an exceptional education but also fosters an environment where a student can feel like they are part of the family.  Every teacher in the school truly cares for their students.  This helps them grow up feeling confident and valued.   Upon graduation students are prepared academically and socially to face any obstacle.  The Christian values they are taught are priceless and help them develop into upstanding young men and women.  There is no other place like St. John’s and it’s a hidden gem within the Staten Island community!

Ms. Demontreux-   Gym

Mr. Cotroneo -       Music

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