About Our Church


Welcome to the St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church website. (Evangelical means we are Gospel Centered). We hope this site will help you learn more about us and our witness for Christ. We strive to recognize and nurture the Christ in ourselves and each person that we encounter along the way. Our church is a thriving community of believers, and lovers of the word of God. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church has a long tradition of outreach and service to its members and the community. We hope you will join us for service on Sunday to experience for yourself the fellowship of Christ.

Who We Are

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Here at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, we believe that although there are many things that can fill a person's life, there is only One who can make life truly full. Through the preaching

of the Gospel and the new life we share in the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Communion, we confidently confess the One who can make life truly full and His name is Jesus.


Privileged to experience such fullness of life in forgiveness and love that God has shown us by His Spirit and His Son, we are equally privileged to carry that same love out into the world. From the altar and pulpit we become living receptacles of God's grace. In our homes and communities we have become the living dispensers of it. And so, as it is written in Scripture, "We love because He first loved us." [1John 4:19]


We are not perfect. We are sinners the same as everyone else who stand in constant need of their Savior. But we are not lost. We are forgiven and heaven-bound saints who have been found by the Lord in order to help and serve our neighbors.


Our Mission

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The mission of St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran Church is to lovingly proclaim the Gospel among all people in order to form and to nurture loving communities which confess by word and deed that Jesus is Lord and Savior.

© 2025 St. John's Lutheran Staten Island
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