First Time Visitor?
St. John's Lutheran is a member of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod.We are a Lutheran parish that seeks to be faithful to the one, holy, catholic and apostolic tradition. Our commitment is to be a biblically sound parish that faithfully receives and adheres to the truth of God’s Word found in the creeds, catechisms, and confessions of the Church. For a further understanding of our beliefs you may read the Augsburg Confession of Faith and Luther's Small Catechism.
What You Can Expect Sunday at The Divine Service
Sunday's Divine Service begins with the prelude and lighting of the candles at 10:25 a.m. (Sept. - May) 9:25 a.m. (June - August) followed by the ringing of the bell. The organist then plays the introduction to the opening hymn as pastor, crucifer and Communion Assistant process in. During the church year, we utilize one of three different Divine Service Settings, majority of the time it is Divine Service Setting Three from the LSB (Lutheran Service Book). This service includes Confession and Absolution, the Nicene Creed, the Lord's Prayer and Holy Communion (which is celebrated each Sunday). We at St. John's love to sing, at the present time we have an adult choir and a hand-bell choir. We do not worship in the contemporary style, rather we are traditional in both our liturgy and hymnody.
The "Original" Ringers with Mr Sax